Cosmos SDK

How THORChain has configured the CosmWasm module

The Cosmos SDK is an open-source toolkit for building multi-asset public Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchains, like the Cosmos Hub, as well as permissioned Proof-of-Authority (PoA) blockchains. Blockchains built with the Cosmos SDK are generally referred to as application-specific blockchains, like THORChain. There are multiple benefits from building an application-specific blockchain using the Cosmos SDK:

  • Flexibility

  • Performance

  • Security

  • Sovereignty


THORChain offers developers maximum flexibility:

  • Programming Language Choice: Developers can use the programming language they prefer for building the state-machine, thanks to the ABCI (Application Blockchain Interface).

  • Framework Selection: Various frameworks are available, such as the Cosmos SDK (in Golang) or Lotion (in JavaScript), allowing developers to choose based on their preferred language.

  • Customizable Consensus Engines: Developers can swap or tweak the consensus engine to better suit their needs. Currently, CometBFT is production-ready, but more options will emerge in the future.

  • Tradeoff Exploration: Developers can adjust parameters like the number of validators vs. transaction throughput, or choose different storage models like DB or IAVL tree.

  • Automated Logic Execution: The Cosmos SDK enables automatic execution of code at the beginning and end of each block, providing further customization.

  • Cryptographic Flexibility: Developers are free to choose their cryptographic libraries, avoiding constraints imposed by underlying environments in virtual-machine blockchains.

This flexibility allows developers to create optimized, tailored solutions for THORChain, enhancing overall performance and adaptability.


THORChain, being an application-specific blockchain, provides several performance advantages:

  • Efficient Consensus: Using a consensus engine like CometBFT BFT offers higher throughput compared to Proof-of-Work blockchains.

  • Focused Resources: THORChain operates a single application, eliminating competition for computation and storage resources seen in non-sharded virtual-machine blockchains.

  • Reduced Complexity: Avoiding the need for a virtual-machine to interpret transactions significantly lowers computational complexity and boosts performance.


Application-specific blockchains like THORChain enhance security in several ways:

  • Proven Languages: Developers can use established programming languages like Go, which are more mature than many smart contract languages.

  • Custom Cryptography: Developers can implement well-audited crypto libraries, rather than relying on the limited functions available in virtual-machines.

  • Simplified Security: By eliminating the complexities of a virtual-machine, developers can more easily ensure the security of their application.


One of the major benefits of THORChain as an application-specific blockchain is sovereignty:

  • Full Control: Stakeholders have complete control over the chain, ensuring that governance and application requirements are aligned.

  • Responsive Upgrades: If bugs are found or new features are needed, the community can quickly act without waiting for the broader blockchain’s consensus.

  • Community Alignment: The community governing THORChain is directly aligned with the application’s stakeholders, providing a streamlined and responsive governance process.

You can find more information about CosmWasm in their official docs.

Last updated